If you have any Lego ninjago min figures mix and match to create your explorer.

"If there was only away to open this door to the underworld"
"I think I've found a lever"

Star Battle 4

Star Battle 4

My Star Battle 3 collectors kit

There are some new enemy not on Star Battle 2 but on

Here are new things on the game

Here is the newest model on star Battle 2 The Revenge its called the Motorbike 3001

The Official man is back
Nex in his official mode

Saturday 9 February 2013


Nexus is now part of the Ghost Recon Squad

Ghost Recon News:

Alpha 130 (Nexus) has joined the squad can his skills be enough to save the world from new threats such as the Hawk Skulls

Alpha 130 Profile


Ghost Recon Alpha Squad (A-SQUAD)


Wednesday 1 August 2012

War Column 1/8/12

The War has getting bigger in the alliance system in the galaxy-
Nex is in the Hospital Suffering from a brutal swipe on the back

Friday 27 April 2012

War column 28/4/12

I have defeated the toxicains and a new theory has begun maybe the toxicains weren't on there own but with this strange skeleton alliance that I've discovered

Wednesday 14 December 2011

War column 15/12/11

This is the last month of star battle 3 there is a new star battle -
"Solider do not tell those aliens what we are doing next" 

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Star Battle 2 The Revenge

As you heard there is a new Star Battle it is unique in it's own way there are our now chapters each 30 quest there is a new chapter and a new place.  

Saturday 8 October 2011

Star Battle journey

There have been 4 Star Battles now:

1. Star Battle the Highlighted
2. Star Battle the Kings
3. Star Battle 2 the Legendary
4. Star battle 2 the Toxicins Legendary